Home What's your story

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Connection begins with a question: What's your story?

You can run What’s Your Story? in any of these contexts

For church

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For families
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You can run WYS with your relatives or closest friends. Here’s how.

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For individuals
For individuals

Get ideas and mini resources for engaging in story-sharing in your daily life.

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For school
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Get tools and tips for using WYS to build connections and community at your school or campus.

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For the workplace
WYS for Workplace

Get all you need to run WYS at your workplace.

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The power of a leader who listens


Empathy and Gen Z
David Nyland

What does empathy mean to Gen Z?

"Empathy is feeling someone’s struggles, even when they’re not yours," reflects Pule, 26. For many young people today, empathy is more than just a buzzword – it is a way of connecting, understanding, and building relationships in an increasingly complex world.

Read more about What does empathy mean to Gen Z?
I am not my work

I am not my work

Telamsile had to learn how to be herself and hold true to her values as part of a demanding career in an intense industry that doesn't always see the damage it can do in society. 

Read more about I am not my work
Empathy Whats Your Story

Empathy as South Africa's superpower

Empathy, fostered through storytelling, is the spark that ignites transformation. It can reshape hearts, minds and communities. Imagine the ripple effect if you infused empathy into your daily interactions or community. What new possibilities could you unlock? What barriers could you shatter?

Read more about Empathy as South Africa's superpower
Engaging with your own story
Garth Japhet

Acknowledging the healing power of storytelling for mental health

The first time I was encouraged to review my life story, I was sceptical. The idea struck me as an exercise in self-indulgent navel-gazing, even futility. What good could it do to review a past that couldn’t be changed? But I agreed to try, and what an impact it had.

Read more about Acknowledging the healing power of storytelling for mental health
Safe spaces in the workplace

What it means to create safe spaces in the workplace

We hear a lot about creating “safe spaces” in the workplace, but what do these safe spaces look like? And most importantly, how do we do it?

Read more about What it means to create safe spaces in the workplace
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The power of heritage in South Africa

South Africa has a complex past, so a day like Heritage Day can be met with mixed emotions. But what if we were open to exploring the aspects of our own heritage, as well as the heritage of those around us, to understand ourselves and each other better?

Read more about The power of heritage in South Africa
I am an image

The What's Your Story? project was made possible through the support of a grant from Templeton Religion Trust. The opinions expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Templeton Religion Trust.