We have a broad range of multimedia resources available to help spark conversations around values and to equip you and your community to live out positive values.
This page gives you an overview of all the resources we have from across our different projects, and includes both the free resources you can get when you sign up to our online resource centre, and the resources that are available for purchase.
If you're looking for resources for a particular project, you can have a look at each specific project's page for more information.
Discussion Starter: Heartlines
Watch the original 8 Films 8 Values Heartlines film series and use these questions to talk about it with your family, friends or community. This discussion guide looks at the value of grace in the film Heartlines.
Read more about Discussion Starter: HeartlinesAmplifying children's unfiltered perspectives on fatherhood
This is a powerful report about children’s perspectives on fatherhood in South Africa. The report, Fathers Matter: Amplifying children's unfiltered perspectives on fatherhood, offers unique insights into how children between the ages of 10 and 16 perceive “good” and “bad” fathers and highlights the impact of father absence on youth behaviours and social dynamics.
Read more about Amplifying children's unfiltered perspectives on fatherhoodECD: Planning an event for fathers
We know that it's not always easy to get fathers involved. There are so many reasons for this. That said, we hope that these tips equip you to take a step in building a good partnership with those fathers who do want to be involved.
ECD: Tips for dads to be involved
This one-page download has some tips for fathers on how they can be involved in their children's lives during their early years. You can download it and share it with fathers at your ECD centre.
Read more about ECD: Tips for dads to be involvedECD Toolkit: Written Guide
We developed this toolkit to support ECD practitioners in their essential work investing in the lives and education of children. This resource can help encourage increased father participation in early learning.
Read more about ECD Toolkit: Written GuideECD Toolkit: Video Discussion Guide
This short discussion guide can be used together with the fourth video clip from our ECD animated video series.
Read more about ECD Toolkit: Video Discussion GuideECD Toolkit Video 4: A father's role
What can a dad do to be part of his children's lives? Especially if he doesn't have money? This short video shares some ideas that ECD teachers can encourage fathers to do with their children.
Read more about ECD Toolkit Video 4: A father's roleECD Toolkit Video 3: Your partners in education
How can fathers get involved in their children's education when they are young? This video has some ideas for what fathers can do to be part of this important aspect of early childhood education.
Read more about ECD Toolkit Video 3: Your partners in educationECD Toolkit Video 2: A father-friendly ECD centre
What is a father-friendly ECD centre? This short video looks at why it can feel hard to involve fathers and how we can change that.
Read more about ECD Toolkit Video 2: A father-friendly ECD centreECD Toolkit Video 1: Why do fathers matter?
Why do fathers matter? This is the first of four videos made for people who work in ECD and who want to understand more about why they should involve fathers in their ECD centres.
Read more about ECD Toolkit Video 1: Why do fathers matter?Values & Money Youth Resource
When it comes to money we are all faced with a choice about the life we live and the legacy we leave. This resource can help us to have honest conversations about money in our classrooms, youth group, lecture halls, and in our family. And to challenge ourselves to ask the question: When it comes to money, what mark will I make?