Home What's Your Story - Workplace

WYS for Workplace


Use story-sharing to promote understanding, cohesion, trust, and reconciliation in your workplace

What’s Your Story? can work in a number of different business contexts:

In your team
Team Option

Get resources and guidance on how to run WYS in your team at work.

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Across your company
Across your company

Tools and support to run What's Your Story? across your entire company.

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In a business forum
Business forum

Are you part of a business forum? Our team is available to share their stories and expertise.

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With Heartlines Consulting
HL Consulting logo final

Our world-class facilitation team is available to run workshops and events in your organisation.

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When asked to provide reasons for adopting WYS, 29% of respondents indicated that they wanted to improve relations between people in their organisation. A further 18% indicated that they wanted to share their experiences with someone else, while 18% indicated that they wanted to break down a barrier through the sharing of stories.
WYS Research Report

Find out more about the power of What's Your Story? for diversity and inclusion

Get in touch

If you would like more information, or to find out more about support running a story-sharing initiative at your workplace, contact our team at wys@heartlines.org.za.