When we share our stories, understanding, empathy and trust grow. Our relationships improve and we get a stronger sense of community. At Heartlines, we’ve seen how story-sharing has impacted and connected thousands of people beyond anything we could have imagined. Here are some of those stories.

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Why can't it finally be fair?

Mzamo, Lebogang and Neliswa discuss their experiences of race, racism and micro-aggressions in democratic South Africa.

Read more about Why can't it finally be fair?

I was abandoned at birth

From the time he was abandoned at birth, to when he eventually found his family, Innocent has struggled with belonging and identity. 

Read more about I was abandoned at birth
Dani 3

I made the right choice

When her stepfather and mother got a divorce, Daniella’s life nearly fell apart. It affected her health, and all of a sudden, she had to fend for herself. Read more about I made the right choice
Koinonia 1

My career looks different to what I'd imagined

Using the skills she learned in the corporate world, Koinonia Baloyi found a way to live out her passion for community development and begin something that is not only changing her community, but her too, for the better.

Read more about My career looks different to what I'd imagined
Harrinton 2

Failure made me a better person

Harrington’s desire for a better life has been fight after fight, but he has hope that his future will be different. Read more about Failure made me a better person
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Our kids need our voices

As a single father, Gosiame sees raising his daughter as a privilege.

Read more about Our kids need our voices
Thabo Mashapa

I hope to invest in myself

Thabo has had to fight to get an education, and although he has not received a ‘conventional’ education, he is gaining knowledge in other valuable ways.

Read more about I hope to invest in myself
Sarah Bennetts

It's not just a man's world

Sarah’s journey to embracing womanhood has taught her that she is free to be unique – and to make choices that empower not only her, but her family as well.

Read more about It's not just a man's world
Joao Pedro

I don't know where to place myself

Joao Pedro was born in South Africa to parents who are immigrants, and although he is proud of his Angolan-South African heritage, he still finds it hard to define his identity.

Read more about I don't know where to place myself
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Residences were only for white students

When I applied to Rhodes University I was told there was no accommodation for me – their residences were for white students only. Read more about Residences were only for white students

Continuing her father’s legacy

Mokgadi started beekeeping almost by accident. Being a black woman in a white male-dominated industry has not been easy, but she is determined to make it work.

Read more about Continuing her father’s legacy
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I could have been trafficked that day

A narrow escape from being trafficked 24 years ago changed Blessing’s life forever. As an anti-human trafficking activist, she is now directly involved in making sure other girls and women are able to return to their homes safely.

Read more about I could have been trafficked that day