When we share our stories, understanding, empathy and trust grow. Our relationships improve and we get a stronger sense of community. At Heartlines, we’ve seen how story-sharing has impacted and connected thousands of people beyond anything we could have imagined. Here are some of those stories.

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Foreign nationals living in Johannesburg talk about their struggles in finding a home away from home

Foreign nationals talk about their struggles in finding a home away from home

The Sister Mura Foundation is providing medical, financial, and emotional support while upskilling foreign nationals living with HIV/AIDS in SA. Read more about Foreign nationals talk about their struggles in finding a home away from home

Storytelling breaks stereotypes about criminals

Father Babychan Arackathara has been working as a chaplain in SA’s prisons for over 20 years. He is an advocate of the human rights of prisoners and restorative justice, bringing healing to offenders as well as victims and their families. 

Read more about Storytelling breaks stereotypes about criminals
Healing the legacy of apartheid

Healing the legacy of apartheid in Lenasia

Russel Abrahams, a pastor in Lenasia, is using stories to help bridge divides in his community and a neighbouring area.

Read more about Healing the legacy of apartheid in Lenasia

The story of Preston Jongbloed

As a young boy growing up in Heideveld on the Cape Flats, Preston Jongbloed dreamed about becoming a professional football player and flying on a plane.

Read more about The story of Preston Jongbloed
Justine and Ivy

Learning and loving through friendship

Justine and Ivy have decades between them, but their bond is made strong by mutual respect and love.

Read more about Learning and loving through friendship
Stephen zee

Storytelling changes the perception of the foreigner

As a foreign national moving to South Africa, Pastor Stephen Mzee has not had the easiest life. But he knows the power of storytelling in shaping perceptions of “the other.” 

Read more about Storytelling changes the perception of the foreigner
Amanda picture

My eating disorder is al baie lank deel van my lewe

Amanda vertel oor haar stryd met eating disorders, wat na daarna toe gelei het en haar daaglikse geveg om dit te oorwin.

Read more about My eating disorder is al baie lank deel van my lewe

Story-sharing can change a young person’s life

Nathan Carolissen shares about overcoming issues of identity as a young person, and he reflects on how the storytelling process has impacted the lives of the young people in his youth group.

Read more about Story-sharing can change a young person’s life

A lot of people can’t relate to how apartheid affected Coloured people

Growing up under the apartheid regime, René recalls how her own family was almost torn apart because of different skin tones.

Read more about A lot of people can’t relate to how apartheid affected Coloured people
My heartlines journey of growth

My journey of growth

I got called names like “kwerekwere” because I couldn’t speak or understand any of the South African languages.

Read more about My journey of growth