Lesson 2: Empathy
Essential questions:
How do we use the practice of active listening and empathy to create visual
representations of the world around us?
Lesson overview:
The lesson explores how we can use active listening as a stimulus to create in 2D.
It demonstrates, through practical activities, how by observing and listening one
can interpret the world around you. It also introduces the idea of empathy, and how
we can achieve this when we Ask. Listen. Tell. The lesson also uses the concept of empathy to explore how visual representation can be used to symbolise and
represent ideas and themes.
- Active listening
- Stop, Breathe, Listen, Respond (SBLR)
- Belly breathing
- Empathy
Materials (these are also included in the lesson components below):
- Empathy video
- Bell, chime, or glass and spoon
Course Content