Understand the types of stories and the people with whom the learners are
comfortable telling, and listening to and introducing the idea of public and private telling.
Activity: My story in post-its (10 min)
Teacher's note: Watch the 'My Story in Post-its' training video in preparation.
Step 1:
Make a chart or use the wall with the following headings:
A story I feel comfortable sharing
A story I feel uncomfortable to share
Three people I feel comfortable to share with
Three people I don't feel comfortable sharing with
Each participant is given four post-its: yellow, pink, blue and green. They must not write
their name on them. Tell the learners that you will be re-writing the answers from the post-its before the class sees them.
Step 2:
On their blue post-it, the learner should write the title of a personal story they would feel comfortable sharing: e.g. ‘My childhood, the day I was bullied’.
Step 3:
On their pink post-it, the participant must write one word that summarises a story they would not feel comfortable sharing: e.g. ‘divorce’, ‘loss’, ‘depression’.
Step 4:
On their yellow post-it, the participant should write down three people they would feel comfortable sharing their story with: e.g. Mom, Dad, sister.
Step 5:
On their green post-it, the participant writes down three people they would feel uncomfortable or unsafe sharing their story with: e.g. uncle, policeman
Step 6:
Now collect all the post-its, except for the pink ones.
Step 7:
Explain public and private telling.
Definition: Private telling is stories you write or draw that are for yourself only, to help you think and understand yourself better. Public telling is the stories that you are happy to share with others.
Use the 'Public and private telling' presentation.
You can also download the presentation if you prefer.