Encourage learners to reflect on their individual cultures, histories and
Activity: Draw your frame (10 min)
Step 1:
Hand out the Frame template, or write the questions on the board. If you have
done the activity yourself, it is useful for you to show yours to the learners.
Step 2:
Instruction: On the Frame sheet, write words or draw images under each heading that describes how you perceive your identity in relation to this topic.
Activity: Your frame (20 min)
Step 1:
Show the learners this picture of Musa. (It can also be downloaded in the handout.)
Ask them to fill in the Frame handout after looking at Musa’s picture. Tell the
learners not to think too hard about it, but just to write down the first responses
that come into their heads.
Step 2:
Either show the video clip or read the transcript of ‘Musa’s Story’.
Step 3: Reflect in journals
After watching or reading “Musa’s Story’, ask learners to reflect on the following:
What is different to what you had written before you watched the video? Can you identify what on your Frame may have influenced that assumption?
What was similar and what was different from your own Frame to that of Musa’s?