Learners prepare to tell an element of their story using the framework of a movie
Explain to the learners that next week they will be creating a movie poster for an event in
their own life. The movie poster must contain the following:
A title for their movie in a chosen lettering.
A visual for the poster using either drawing, collage, painting or etching.
My life through questions
The learners should answer the questions below to help them identify what they wish
to create for their movie poster. Explain that these answers are only for them, and
they will not have to share them with others. These questions are a guide to help
them choose what significant event they want to focus on.
Where was I born and raised? What kind of family did I grow up in – big or small, rich or poor, urban or rural?
Which were my most important relationships growing up? Who are some of the people who have played the biggest role in my life?
What are some of the big events or turning points in my life that have helped define who I am?
What were some of my challenges growing up? What were some of the choices I made to overcome those challenges?
What are the anchoring beliefs or values by which I live my life?
Can I think of an encounter(s) with a person who is different to me (culture, race, religion, class, etc.) – both negative and positive? How have those events shaped my story?
What are some of the significant achievements, events, or experiences that have shaped my life?
What are some of my own future goals, as well as my hopes for my family’s wellbeing, and the wellbeing of my community and country?