Exit tickets are an exercise that help summarise the big ideas of the lesson, and
assess the learners’ understanding of key concepts.
Activity: Exit ticket (10 min)
Step 1:
Hand out slips of paper, or ask students to take out a piece of paper and a pencil.
Also give them a copy of the mood index.
Note: Find a definition of praise poetry in our list of keywords.
Step 2:
Ask them to write down one thing that they learned today about their friends and classmates.
Step 3:
Ask students if and how they see their classmates differently after hearing their praise poems.
Step 4:
Learners must fill in the mood index.
Step 5:
Collect all exit tickets at the end of the lesson. This will provide you with valuable feedback on how your students experienced your lesson. You can use these to build and grow your classroom practice.