Both you and the learners collaboratively agree on a code of behaviour that will
support them to feel safe and respected in the classroom.
Activity: Contracting (20 min)
Teacher's note: Watch the 'Contracting' training video in preparation.
Step 1: Define contracting
A contract implies that all parties have a responsibility to uphold the agreement.
Students can think about what it means for a classroom to have a contract.
Step 2: Students reflect
Prepare learners to develop a class contract. Ask them to reflect on their
experiences of being learners in a class with others. Write down learners’ responses
on the chalkboard. Alternatively, learners can write their ideas in their journals. You
might use prompts like those below to structure learners’ reflections:
Identify a time when you have felt comfortable sharing your ideas and questions in a class. What happened in those moments to help you feel comfortable?
Identify when you have had ideas or questions, but have not shared them. Why not? What was happening or what were you feeling in those moments that stopped you from sharing?
What do you think about these values and guidelines?
Which ideas do they think would help your class create a safe, respectful, productive learning environment?
Invite students to edit this list by deleting, revising, or adding to it.