Through a visual task, learners identify the spaces in their world where they feel
safe and understand the principles of poster design.
Activity: Draw a safe space (20 min)
Hand out the mood index and RULER worksheet.
Step 1:
Each learner is given paper and crayons, magazines, and other craft materials.
Step 2: Explain
A poster is a very useful means of making an announcement or appeal, issuing a
notice, advertising a product, or bringing about awareness on any issue of public
A poster should:
- Be visually attractive and readable from a distance.
- Use design to make the it eye-catching and memorable.
- Use figurative language and poetic devices to create an impact.
- Make the language in it memorable. You could use alliteration, repetition, rhyme and rhythm.
You can also download the poster if you would prefer.
Step 3:
Each learner creates a poster of a place where they feel safe, a place and another poster of where they feel unsafe.
The poster should have a title and a brief description. Learners must explore the
colours that they associate with safety, and the colours they associate with feeling
unsafe. The posters’ drawings can be abstract or realistic. Learners can also make a
collage of images with pictures cut out from a magazine.
Here are some tips to give learners to make an effective poster:
How to make a poster
- Get the right size. Posters are large print documents designed to grab attention.
- Design your poster layout. Your audience needs to take in the message of your poster at a glance.
- Choose your graphics or images to enhance your message.
- Use colour in your poster so that it is eye-catching.
- Include text into your poster. Keep it short and punchy!
Step 4:
Place the posters around the classroom, and give learners time to look at them.