When we share our stories, understanding, empathy and trust grow. Our relationships improve and we get a stronger sense of community. At Heartlines, we’ve seen how story-sharing has impacted and connected thousands of people beyond anything we could have imagined. Here are some of those stories.

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Vlcsnap 2017 10 02 11h28m51s220

I used to study maths in the toilet

Rechelle's exceptional talent for mathematics and her commitment to study and persevere have put Heideveld on the map for all the right reasons.

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We got by each day even though we were not rich

Mashudu, a young woman from Limpopo, shares her story of growing up in poverty – yet being able to triumph above her circumstances.

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010 Romela

My attacker infected me with HIV

Eleven years ago, Romila was attacked and raped on her way home. Aside from the trauma of the initial attack, she later found she was HIV positive.

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Vlcsnap 2017 08 07 15h21m42s920

An Indian woman married to a black man

My father was not happy that I was dating a black man and found it extremely challenging to accept my relationship.

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Living with dyslexia

A lecturer once said to me that if she were my mother she wouldn’t be wasting her money on someone like me.

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Initiation school

A white young man at a Xhosa initiation school

Brandon and Yanelisa are friends who come from very different backgrounds: one of them is a white, English young man; the other a black, Xhosa young man.

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Zandile Hlatshwayo IMAGE

It all started when I was seven

Overcoming abuse is never an easy thing, especially if the abuse began in your childhood. Zandile, a brave young woman shares her story with us.

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I have lived a life of pain

South African actor Israel Sipho Matseke Zulu (Israel Makoe) opens up about his name, growing up in Alexandra township and how being incarcerated changed his life.

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Raising a child with Haemophilia

Nerissa, a mother of two, shares her story of what it's like to raise a child with Haemophilia and how she's raising awareness about the condition.

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Being an outsider

Daily I live with the thought that I, too, may find myself in the wrong place at the wrong time, guilty of being a foreigner.

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I knew I was dark before I knew I was black

Black is beautiful or is that light-skinned black? Zama talks about growing up with darker shade of skin compared to the rest of her family

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Leaving abuse

I blamed my father for my brother's death

Growing up without a father can impact one's life in many ways. Listen to Khani as she tells why she believes that her father's absence in her brother's lives, led to them going astray.

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