How to avoid januworry

How to avoid Janu-worry

Ahhh, December – the month of family, friends, parties, and most importantly... early paydays and bonuses! You’ve got a swagger in your step as you wave goodbye to your office for 2024. Time to relax and unwind. After all, it’s been a long year, and you deserve to treat yourself, right?

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Black Friday feeling blue

Don’t let Black Friday leave you feeling blue

It’s Black Friday time again and what started as a trend in several parts of the world has now evolved into a global phenomenon. But don’t get trapped into debt by buying things you don't need.

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Jacob Walti Unsplash

Improve your money values, improve your mental health

When we take practical steps to improve our money values and habits, we free ourselves from the constant anxiety of survival mode. As we regain control over our finances, we create space for growth, confidence and mental peace.

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Money and church

Why we should talk about money in church

The Bible has a lot to say about money, but in church we often restrict our conversations about finances to tithing, church building funds and offerings. What can Christians do to help their faith communities get financially healthy?

Read more about Why we should talk about money in church
Shutterstock 1231174651

Christmas on a budget? Tips to set financial boundaries this festive season

'Tis the season for overspending and wrecking your credit… but it doesn’t have to be. Even with rising food costs and higher living expenses, you can plan your spending this ‘silly season’.

Read more about Christmas on a budget? Tips to set financial boundaries this festive season
Annie spratt g XQCE Lcn I2 U unsplash

Spring cleaning your finances

Spring signals a season of vibrance as all the colourful flowers start to bloom. But for some of us, it may help put into perspective how a personal season of change – especially when it comes to our finances – needs to come.

Read more about Spring cleaning your finances
Budgeting Image Smaller

Are you a penny pincher?

It might seem like the only way to not get into bad debt is to be a penny pincher. But that's not always the case. Read our tips on how to learn the value of spending without living an overly restrictive life.

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Financial boundaries

How can you be generous and still set boundaries?

What happens when people-pleasers prioritize others' happiness above their own? We explore the valuable lessons of setting financial boundaries, learning when to say no, and guarding our financial well-being.

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Derek thomson mgfc Rci18 So unsplash

How the things we value impact our financial decisions and long-term goals

The things we value can have a significant impact on our financial decisions. Our values influence how we prioritize our spending and saving, as well as the goals we set for our financial future.

Read more about How the things we value impact our financial decisions and long-term goals