Women and Money

How can women thrive when it comes to money values?

As we celebrate women in August, we know that they face a unique set of financial challenges. How can women thrive when it comes to their money values?

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Money and church

Why we should talk about money in church

The Bible has a lot to say about money, but in church we often restrict our conversations about finances to tithing, church building funds and offerings. What can Christians do to help their faith communities get financially healthy?

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Examining your own struggles with living honestly

There are many ways of making money and accumulating wealth, but we all face daily choices that test our honesty about how we earn our money. In a country that's riddled with corruption, why should you be living honestly?

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Boikagong Matrics Story

What hope do the matrics of 2023 have?

Roughly 40% of Grade 1 learners will exit our school system before they even reach Grade 12, according to The Zero Dropout campaign. If this is the case, then what hope do those who finish high school and dream of going into university have?

Read more about What hope do the matrics of 2023 have?
Sparen familie header

How to talk to your kids about the value of money

Your money values are shaped by your childhood experiences with money, your current income, your social groups, and your goals and ambitions. Teaching kids about the value money helps them become responsible adults in the future.

Read more about How to talk to your kids about the value of money