Discussion Starter: Crossroads
This discussion starter is for the film Crossroads from the original 8 Films 8 Values Heartlines series, and includes some questions you can talk through with your connect group, team, family or friends.
You can choose which questions appeal to you.
About the film
Matthew Colley’s future is bright. Born into a wealthy and successful family, he plans to study overseas on a tennis scholarship upon leaving school. But a trip to the Quikshop with his mother changes everything. A policeman rushing to a crime scene jumps a red light and Matthew is killed.
When our grief and anger feels justified, we can't always see why forgiveness might be necessary, or we might feel like doing it is beyond ourselves.
You can find the trailer for the film here or or watch the full film below.
- File size: 771.449 KB
- Format: pdf
- Length: 1 page
- Language: English
- Publisher Name: Heartlines
- Date Published: Mar 27, 2025