Fathers Matter partners with police to spread a positive message

Community , GBV , Working with fathers

Fathers Matter ambassadors in George recently partnered with police and traffic officials at a local roadblock where the message of Fathers Matter was shared.

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A roadblock is often the last place that South African motorists expect to hear good news. But thanks to Heartlines representative Debbie Bruce and her team, members of the local community were on the receiving end of a positive message when they were stopped at a recent roadblock along a major route in George.

Through a meaningful relationship with law enforcement officials in the area, Debbie has been able to create opportunities to share the message of why fathers matter and how men can be present, active and positive influences in children's lives.

"The Conville Police Station is situated in George. We have a high crime rate in the area, gender-based violence and lots of unemployed young men. As part of their work to address this, the Conville police leadership seconded two of their staff to partner with Heartlines to roll out a Fathers Matter programme in the area," says Debbie.

Another local pastor, who has worked with the Fathers Matter programme in his church and who is also part of the Community Policing Forum's leadership, immediately came on board.

"The police station gave us an area where we can do Fathers Matter training for both their staff, the community and overnight or weekend prisoners. We also pray together every month at the police station," shares Debbie. 

"The George Traffic Department, the police and Fathers Matter collaborated to put together the roadblock. It took place on one of the busiest roads in George, as it is the main road from the N2 into the town of George and links to the airport and industrial area.

We put up Fathers Matters banners, had pamphlets printed, and stopped all cars passing on that road. We then gave motorists the pamphlets with all the contact details of Fathers Matter churches and Fathers Matter champions and we told them how important fathers are, and also how much God loves and cares for fathers."

The success of the partnership with law enforcement officials has led to all 21 police stations in the region looking at how to roll out the Fathers Matter programme.

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