Alex fathers seek new methods of parenting


A growing number of fathers in Alexandra are looking for better ways to raise their children.

This emerged from a recent Fathers Matter Workshop that was organised by Heartlines in Alexandra.

Alexandra has some of the most densely populated informal settlements in Johannesburg and its residents face issues of unemployment, poverty, poor sanitation and crowded living spaces.

Some of the attendees indicated during the workshop that being absent during the growing up of their children was a big mistake that they would never want to repeat.

Others vowed to show love to their children as the best way of being a father rather than violent discipline. The consensus was if a father beats up his children that would be how those children will raise their own.

Attendee Mandisi Johanse said raising a 15-year-old daughter in the township had forced him to be very strict, which not only affected his relationship with her, but caused him great emotional distress.

This article was shared on Alex News. 


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