Fathers Matter ECD Toolkit
We developed this toolkit to support ECD practitioners in their essential work investing in the lives and education of children. Heartlines Fathers Matter doesn't directly train ECD practitioners, but we partner with organisations that are already working in the ECD space and provide them with our resources to help encourage increased father participation in early learning.
The written toolkit is supported by four animated videos that outline the concepts and practical approaches from the toolkit. These can be used in training sessions with ECD educators and with other organisations in the ECD space to help equip practitioners to increase father engagement in children's education during these critical years.
The toolkit and videos are easily shareable via email or WhatsApp, and printed copies of the guide can be made available for trainers.
We also have a tip sheet for dads who want to be more involved in their young children's lives. Download it here.
Our team has also put together some ideas for how to plan an event for fathers at your ECD centre. You can download that here.