Ways of sharing your father story

During Module 1 there is an opportunity for each person in the group to share a bit about their own father story.

The idea is that each man in the group (three or four people a week) takes a turn to tell their story. About 10 to 12 minutes are allocated for each person to share.

If you have a group of more than eight people, we suggest breaking into smaller groups or making time for another session for sharing these stories.

The questions are only a guide and those sharing can be free to tell their story in any way they would like to.

The questions used in this session are:

  • What type of relationship did you have with your father growing up? Was he involved, present, absent, a positive influence?

  • How has that relationship with your father shaped your own story? And in which ways has it impacted your relationships?

  • What’s one personal commitment you want to make in the area of your fatherhood?

You can add other questions that you feel are relevant.

As the leader, be prepared for some emotions to come out during the sharing. If it seems appropriate, you get one or two people to pray for the person who has shared.