Celebrating South Africa's youth
In a world where challenges and obstacles often seem insurmountable, the unwavering determination of our youth is truly inspiring. With their boundless energy, creativity, and hunger for knowledge, they represent the torchbearers of hope for a better future.
Read more about Celebrating South Africa's youthEaster and wellness
Easter is here! As with most holidays and celebrations, it is festive and joyful, but it can also be a time of high stress, filled with its own expectations and demands.
Read more about Easter and wellnessHeartlines 2023 staff retreat
The Heartlines team recently attended our 2023 staff retreat where there were great opportunities for learning, connecting and dreaming together.
Read more about Heartlines 2023 staff retreatTime to combat mental health stigma in the church
In recent years, the question of mental health has come to the fore, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. In Christian communities, there is a stigma around seeking professional help.
Read more about Time to combat mental health stigma in the churchRise up with hope
Brett 'Fish' Anderson encourages us to fight for hope in the midst of the darkness and suffering we see in the world around us.
Helping the elderly get COVID-19 vaccinations
Heartlines and the Oak Foundation supported UNICEF's #Grandkids4Gogos campaign to help increase access to COVID-19 vaccines for people over 50 around South Africa.
Read more about Helping the elderly get COVID-19 vaccinationsRemembering Sharpeville and reflecting on human rights
Olefile Masangane shares his thoughts on why we need to remember where we have come from as we commemorate Human Right's Day and observe Lent this March.
Read more about Remembering Sharpeville and reflecting on human rightsReconciling riot hotspots through sports and storytelling
The July unrest in KwaZulu-Natal escalated racial tensions in the province. Heartlines and church leaders are working to bring change and reconciliation.
Unrest recovery sparks renewed commitment to reconciliation
Church leaders in the violence-struck areas of Phoenix, Inanda, Ntuzuma, KwaMashu and Umhlanga/Durban North (PINKU) came together in a two-day process at the end of September in a renewed effort to build bridges following the unrest that tore through the region in July.
Read more about Unrest recovery sparks renewed commitment to reconciliationAdvent reflection for 2021
Edwin Arrison shares how the hope of Christ can change our perspective and focus in a chaotic, painful world.
Read more about Advent reflection for 2021Heritage Day reflections
In light of Heritage Day, Heartlines regional representative Craig Bouchier reflects on his own identity journey and the work being done to unite different communities after the recent unrest and violence in some parts of South Africa.
Read more about Heritage Day reflectionsHeartlines Micro-Business Relief Fund – Update
The Heartlines Micro-Business Relief Fund was established to help business owners rebuild after being impacted by the looting and unrest in July. This is how things have gone so far.
Read more about Heartlines Micro-Business Relief Fund – Update