Faith leaders must unite in ending GBV

Children , Church , Gender-based violence , Abuse , Women

"We need faith leaders to make a faith stance and a bold faith grounded declaration that our faith traditions, customs, practices and beliefs do not condone and allow gender based violence" – Seth Naicker

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As preparations get underway for 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children, the Interfaith Collective recently launched a gender-based violence (GBV) Prevention and Mitigation Strategy, where Heartlines senior facilitator and ordained cleric, Seth Naicker, was part of the collective. Seth, speaking on behalf of Faith Action to End GBV Collective & We Will Speak Out SA, says that the aim and hope of the interfaith collective “is for faith leaders to take seriously our work, witness and service in using our sacred texts and Holy Scriptures to build contextual based approach, mindset, faith-view, beliefs, values and practices that use our faith to bring justice, peace and to bring hope and healing.”

In essence, how does what we believe through scripture offer truth and practical advice on societal issues and ills that we face daily, including the scourge of violence and abuse in our nation?

Role of faith leaders when it comes to eradicating GBV

Faith leaders play a crucial role in addressing and eradicating GBV) within communities. Seth says that “as faith leaders we want to see the faith sector taking informed, faith inspired, values based action to work competently with survivors GBV and to also work with perpetrators of GBV and femicide.” Now, more than ever, “we need faith leaders to make a faith stance and a bold faith grounded declaration that our faith traditions, customs, practices and beliefs do not condone and allow gender-based violence.”

Seth has called on faith leaders to also join and host support groups for survivors, even if they aren’t survivors themselves. “We have all been affected either directly or indirectly by GBV, and it is our hope to see faith leaders equip themselves and congregants to journey on with survivors, while also developing the spiritual discipline to care for and counsel in redeeming ways those who are affected by GBV.”

Part of Faith Action to End GBV Collective & We Will Speak Out SA's aim is to also encourage faith leaders to not shut their doors to perpetrators. Naicker says that he hopes that leaders “will take an active role in working with perpetrators and creating spaces for rehabilitation and healing journeys for all perpetrators of GBV”.

If you are a leader in the church would like to find out more information on #Faith2EndGBV you can do so by visiting:


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