Edwin Arrison

Advent reflection for 2021

Blog , Faith

In this Advent season we once again hear about conflict and rumours of more to come. We have little or no control over that.

There are migrations and kidnappings happening all the time. We have little or no control over that.

There is the pandemic of hypocrisy and deception across the globe. We have little or no control over that.

There is selfishness, arrogance and greed. We have little or no control over that.

There is corruption and mismanagement. We have little or no control over that.

There is ignorance and fake news being spread. We have little or no control over that.

We can try react to this from day to day, moment to moment, but the likelihood that this will stop is very low.

Therefore we should ask: what do we have control over?

We have control over how we silently, but with determination, build loving  communities. Let’s continue doing that.

We have control over what and how much media we consume. The more discerning we are, the better.

We have control over what we say, how we say it and to whom we say it. Let’s do that better and better.

We have control over how we reflect and with whom we reflect and build and plan. Let us do that better and with more discernment.

We have the ability to affirm and support one another.

We have agency. We have creative imagination.

We have the ability to organise ourselves.

We have the ability to be disciplined.

We have the permanent hope of Christ within us.

We have each other.

We have faith, hope and love.

And yes, we have the ability forgive, to not carry the hatred with us.

We also have the ability to forgive ourselves.

We can pray, for anyone who asks us to pray for them or who we wish to pray for. “Prayer without borders” is still the most radical act.

We can visit or phone someone rather than just writing them an email or WhatsApp. Do it as and when you can.

We can ask clarifying questions in order to better formulate responses or actions. There is power in good questions.

We can analyse better and not only develop, but also control, the narrative by which we live together on this planet.

We can make better decisions and follow through with those decisions.

By recognising and acknowledging what we have and what we can do, and thanking God for that, and offering that to God, we will be able to move mountains. We have seen it happen, and I am convinced that we will see it happening over and over again.

This Advent, let us deliberately and intentionally focus this on what we have and what we can do and how we can do it better.

Slowly, slowly, slowly… the Kingdom of God will come, and we will be surprised.

May God bless us all during this Advent season as we once again prepare to welcome the seemingly vulnerable, powerless Body of Christ.

He is our salvation, our ever-present hope, and a continuous threat to those who abuse the power given to them from above.

They will be rendered powerless, and the Son will reign! Maranatha!

I am an image
Edwin Arrison

Edwin is the Development Officer at the Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation.


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